Bert Wylen, Senior Claims Professional- PB Adjusting LLC

I help property owners get money to repair insured property damage without any out-of-pocket expense.

I'm also ALWAYS looking to hire people who wouldn't mind working part-time for full-time pay! Please refer anyone who might be interested in a side project that won't interfere with what they're already doing, but will earn them literally hundreds of dollars for an hour's worth of work!

Consider this: If someone were suing you, would you ask them to represent you in court?

I HOPE you said, "No way!"

So why do folks do exactly that with their insurance companies when they incur property damage? The state licenses public adjusters to defend the interests of the insured. And at least one government study shows that people who use public adjusters average 574% more money than those who go it alone--which amounts to asking the insurance company to tell them how much of its profit it's willing to part with to repair the damage.

Ask me to do a FREE Policy Coverage Review to explain your coverage. We believe that educating policy holders is our Job #1.

I'm also hiring. This is something someone could do as a side project, without interfering with what they're presently doing.

Since 1994, Metro Public Adjustment, Inc. has been an advocate for the rights of you, the property owner. Our primary purpose is to help you navigate through the turbulent waters of settling your property loss claim. Just as any vessel needs an experienced captain and crew, so does the typical homeowner when battling against the insurance companies for their rights.

I'm proud to be a part of the largest public adjustment company in the country. Please let me know if you'd like a complimentary review of your homeowner's policy, to make sure that you understand your coverage, and to make sure that you carry enough coverage for your home, its contents, and all possibilities for risk in your environment.


Doreen Sundelin, Independent Public Adjuster- Metro Public Adjustment, Inc.


Sherry McCormack, Long & Foster Real Estate Professional